Quantum revolution
Venkataraman, G.
Quantum revolution G. Venkataraman - Telangana Orient Blackswan 2020 - 3V. - Vignettes in Physics .
Contents:V.1 The Breakthrough-V.2 QED: the jewel of Physics-V.3 What is reality
9788173710025 (V.1)
Physics, Modern I Title II Title: The Breakthrough... III Title: QED IV Title: What is .... V Series
Quantum theory
539 / VEN P20
Quantum revolution G. Venkataraman - Telangana Orient Blackswan 2020 - 3V. - Vignettes in Physics .
Contents:V.1 The Breakthrough-V.2 QED: the jewel of Physics-V.3 What is reality
9788173710025 (V.1)
Physics, Modern I Title II Title: The Breakthrough... III Title: QED IV Title: What is .... V Series
Quantum theory
539 / VEN P20