Solomons and Fryhle`s Organic Chemistry for IIT-JEE
Solomons, T.W. Graham
Solomons and Fryhle`s Organic Chemistry for IIT-JEE T.W. Graham Solomons, Craig Barton Fryhle; adapted by M.S. Chouhan - Rev. - New Delhi Wiley India 2009 - xxv, 1170+I21 - Maestro Series .
Chemistry, Organic-Problems, exercise, etc.
547.0076 / SOL P9
Solomons and Fryhle`s Organic Chemistry for IIT-JEE T.W. Graham Solomons, Craig Barton Fryhle; adapted by M.S. Chouhan - Rev. - New Delhi Wiley India 2009 - xxv, 1170+I21 - Maestro Series .
Chemistry, Organic-Problems, exercise, etc.
547.0076 / SOL P9