Your search returned 13 results.

Molecular Symmetry and group theory Robert L. Carter by
Edition: Wiley
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York ; Kundli John Wiley;Replika Press [Printer and Binder] 2005
Availability: Items available for loan: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library (3)Call number: 541.22015122 CAR P5, ... Items available for reference: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 541.22015122 CAR P5.

Symmetry and Group theory for Chemists N.N. Dass by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New Delhi Asian Books 2004
Availability: Items available for loan: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library (1)Call number: 541.22015122 DAS P4.

A Textbook of group theory P.R. Mittal by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New Delhi Har-Anand Pub. 1993
Availability: Items available for loan: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library (2)Call number: 512.2 MIT N3, ...

An elementary transition to abstract mathematics Gove Effinger, Gary L. Mullen by Series: Textbooks in Mathematics
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Boca Raton CRC Press, Taylor & Francis 2020
Availability: Items available for reference: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 512.2 EFF P20.

From groups to geometry and back Vaughn Climenhaga, Anatole Katok by Series: Student mathematical library;
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Providence, Rhode Island American Mathematical Society [2017]
Availability: Items available for reference: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 512.2 CLI P17.

Matrix groups for undergraduates Kristopher Tapp by Series: Student Mathematical library;v29
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: U.S.A. American Mathematical Society 2006
Availability: Items available for loan: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library (1)Call number: 512.2 TAP P6.

Visual group theory Nathan C. Carter by
Edition: [S.I.]
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: The Mathematical Association of America 2009
Availability: Items available for loan: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library (1)Call number: 512.2 CAR P9.

A first course in group theory Bijan Davvaz by Series: Inculedes index
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Singapore Springer Nature 2021
Availability: Items available for reference: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 512.2, DAV P21.

Discovering group theory: a transition to advanced mathematics Tony Barnard, Hugh Neill by Series: Textbooks in Mathematics
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Boca Raton CRC Press 2017
Availability: Items available for reference: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 512.2 BAR P17.

The Riemann hypothesis: a resource for the Afficionado and Virtuoso alike edited by Peter Borwein ...[etal] by Series: Canadian Mathematical Society
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York Springer [ca.2007]
Availability: Items available for reference: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 512.73 BOR P7.

Transcendental and Algebraic Numbers A.O. Gelfond; translated from the First Russian edition by Leo F. Boron by
Edition: Dover
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Mineola Dover Pub. 2003
Availability: Items available for reference: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 512.73 GEL P3.

Group theory and quantum mechanics Michael Thinkham and Gordon Mckay by
Edition: Dover
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Mineola Dover Pub. 2003
Availability: Items available for reference: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 530.12 TIN P3.

Topological methods in group theory edited by N. Broaddus ... [et al.] by Series: London Mathematical society lecture note series; no. 451
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Cambridge; New Delhi Cambridge university Press 2018
Availability: Items available for reference: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Library: Not for loan (1)Call number: 512.55 BRS P18.


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